Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 6151
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $3,880,000

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $150,000


As an Umbrella Grants Management (UGM) partner, Academy for Education Development (AED) supports

institutional capacity building, technical assistance and grants administration for indigenous organizations

that implement PEPFAR programs. These partners and sub-partners consist of indigenous NGOs, FBOs,

and CBOs that were selected through the Inter-Agency PEPFAR Annual Program Statement (APS) and

have met the criteria for full and open competition. The main functions of the UGM program are: 1) to

facilitate further scale-up of HIV and AIDS care services and (2) to develop indigenous capability, thus

creating a more sustainable program. The emphasis area is local organization capacity development and

the primary target population is indigenous organizations.


AED has extensive experience managing grants programs on behalf of USAID with PEPFAR funds. Prior to

award of the UGM under the South Africa APS, AED was already managing grant programs funded with

PEFPAR dollars in Ghana and Honduras, and providing TA and capacity building to PEPFAR partners on

palliative care and OVC work in Mozambique and Kenya. In addition, AED has been sourced as USAID's

exclusive partner for capacity building to the 23 NGOs funded under the PEPFAR Round One New Partners

Initiative. As such, AED is well experienced in providing TA and capacity building on the broad array of

technical areas related to PEPFAR programs, monitoring and evaluation, organizational development and

finance management. In addition, AED has also been a key PEPFAR implementing partner in South Africa

and is thoroughly familiar with working on HIV/AIDS program within that context. As a UGM partner, AED

will not directly implement program activities, but rather act as a grants administrator, technical assistance

provider, and mentor for sub-recipients, chosen by USAID, who in turn carry out the assistance programs.

USAID closely collaborates and coordinates with the South African Government (SAG) in supporting

PEPFAR partners through the umbrella grant mechanism. Although some of the partners work closely with

various SAG Departments, AED's primary interface with the SAG is through the Senior Management Team

(SMT), which includes key staff from USAID, National Departments of Health and Social Development, and

representatives from the provincial departments. Under AED, between 6 and 11 indigenous partners will be

supported via sup-grants and technical assistance. Priority will be given to harmonize approaches and

policies of these indigenous partners and preclude overlap of services. Grants to palliative care partners

support government clinics and hospitals with human resources including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and

counselors. These partners also work closely with new and established hospices to ensure hospice

accreditation in accordance with national and global standards of palliative care. Palliative care services

supported by partners include holistic; family-centered; clinical, psychological, spiritual and social care

services for PLHIV and their families, supported by multidisciplinary teams at facility and community levels.

During their partnership with PEPFAR, these providers will increase their reach while also building

sustainability of their own programs and organizations. This scale-up and support for sustainability requires

strong financial, monitoring and evaluation, and management systems to accommodate growth in reach and

maximize sustainability.


Funds budgeted under this narrative will support costs for administering, managing and facilitating technical

support for the palliative care partners. Separate COP entries describe the palliative activities implemented

by each partner. Institutional capacity building of indigenous organizations is a key feature of the umbrella

grant mechanism and is designed to promote the sustainability of care programs and organizations.

ACTIVITY 1: Grant Management

AED will award and administer care grants to partners selected through a USAID/PEPFAR APS competitive

process to implement HIV and AIDS activities. This involves an array of related activities including award

and administration of grants, monitoring of grant progress, meeting reporting requirements, financial

oversight, ensuring compliance with USG regulations, and grant closeout. AED will develop and monitor

palliative care program implementation and adherence to financial regulations. This involves provision of

extensive technical assistance to partners on palliative care project development and implementation,

financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting. A key result includes the development and

monitoring of palliative care implementation plans which track critical program achievements in palliative

care related areas such as service delivery, training, policy development, technical assistance, planning and


ACTIVITY 2: Capacity Building

The umbrella mechanisms will support institutional and technical capacity building of indigenous

organizations. (Capacity building activities are defined as activities that strengthen the skills of indigenous

organizations to implement HIV and AIDS programs efficiently, with diminishing reliance on external

technical assistance and support and increased potential for sustainability.) AED will support activities to

improve the financial management, program management, quality assurance, strategic information (M&E)

and reporting, and leadership and coordination of partner organizations implementing palliative care

activities. AED will also assess and facilitate critical palliative care technical support for partners such as

technical trainings, program reviews, technical planning and sharing of lessons learned. Emphasis will be

placed on partner implementation of evidence-based preventive care interventions which include OI

screening and prophylaxis (including cotrimoxazole, TB screening/management), counseling and testing for

clients and family members, safe water and personal hygiene strategies to reduce diarrheal disease, HIV

prevention counseling, provision of condoms, referral for family planning services for HIV-infected women,

appropriate child survival interventions for HIV-infected children and nutrition counseling as well as pain and

symptom management and support for adherence to OI medications and antiretroviral therapy (ART).

ACTIVITY 3: Monitoring and Evaluation and Reporting

AED will provide support to palliative care partners in monitoring and evaluation, in order to strengthen

measurement of the implementation and impact of palliative care program activities, an eventual

achievement of PEPFAR goals. M&E support of palliative care partners includes: measurement of program

progress; provision of feedback for accountability and quality; surveillance; and implementation of

Activity Narrative: information management systems. In addition, AED will provide supportive supervision to provide guidance,

monitoring, mentoring and oversight through site visits, technical assistance, and performance evaluation.

The management of service delivery programs under this project will contribute to the PEPFAR goals to

provide treatment to 2 million HIV-infected people; prevent 7 million HIV infections; and provide care to 10

million people infected by HIV and AIDS, including orphans and vulnerable children.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $485,000


As an Umbrella Grants Management (UGM) partner, Academy for Education Development (AED) supports

institutional capacity building, technical assistance and grants administration for indigenous organizations

that implement PEPFAR programs. These partners and sub-partners consist of indigenous NGOs, FBOs,

and CBOs that were selected through the Inter-Agency PEPFAR Annual Program Statement (APS) and

have met the criteria for full and open competition. The main functions of the UGM program are: 1) to

facilitate further scale-up of HIV and AIDS care services and (2) to develop indigenous capability, thus

creating a more sustainable program. The emphasis area is Local Organization Capacity Development and

the primary target population is indigenous organizations.


AED has extensive experience managing grants programs on behalf of USAID with PEPFAR funds. Prior to

award of the UGM under the South Africa APS, AED was already managing grant programs funded with

PEFPAR dollars in Ghana and Honduras, and providing TA and capacity building to PEPFAR partners on

palliative care and OVC work in Mozambique and Kenya. In addition, AED has been sourced as USAID's

exclusive partner for capacity building to the 23 NGOs funded under the PEPFAR Round One New Partners

Initiative. As such, AED is well experienced in providing TA and capacity building on the broad array of

technical areas related to PEPFAR programs, monitoring and evaluation, organizational development and

finance management. In addition, AED has also been a key PEPFAR implementing partner in South Africa

and is thoroughly familiar with working on HIV/AIDS programs within that context. As a UGM partner, AED

will not directly implement program activities, but rather act as a grants administrator, technical assistance

provider, and mentor for sub-recipients, who in turn carry out the assistance programs. AED collaborates

and coordinates with the South African Government (SAG) in supporting PEPFAR partners through the

umbrella grant mechanism. Although some of the partners work closely with various SAG Departments,

AED's primary interface with the SAG is through the Senior Management Team (SMT), which includes key

staff from USAID, National Departments of Health and Social Development, and representatives from the

provincial departments. Under AED, between 6 and 11 indigenous partners will be supported via sup-grants

and technical assistance. Partners are active in many provinces across South Africa and provide support for

OVC by identifying and training caregivers, establishing community care centers, and providing

psychosocial support. Grants to OVC partners support a range of locally-driven best practices for orphan

care using a variety of models of service delivery and working in collaboration with the South African

Government's Department of Social Development. During their partnership with PEPFAR, OVC partners will

increase their reach while also building their own capacity towards long-term sustainability. This scale-up

will require adequate financial, monitoring and evaluation, and management systems to accommodate

growth and maximize sustainability.


Funds budgeted under this narrative will support costs for administering and managing these OVC partners.

Separate COP entries describe the OVC activities implemented by each partner. Institutional capacity

building of indigenous organizations is a key feature of umbrella grant mechanism and is designed to

promote sustainability of care programs and organizations.

ACTIVITY 1: Grants Management

AED will award and administer grants to partners selected through the PEPFAR APS competitive process

to implement OVC activities. This involves an array of related activities including award and administration

of grants, monitoring of grant progress, meeting reporting requirements, financial oversight, ensuring

compliance with USG regulations, and grant closeout. AED will monitor OVC partners' program

implementation and adherence to financial regulations. This involves provision of extensive technical

assistance to partners on project development and implementation, financial management, monitoring and

evaluation, and reporting.

ACTIVITY 2: Capacity Building

AED will support institutional capacity building of indigenous organizations. (Capacity building activities are

defined as activities that strengthen the skills of indigenous organizations to implement HIV and AIDS

programs efficiently, with diminishing reliance on internationally-based technical assistance and support.)

AED will support activities to improve the financial management, program management, quality assurance,

strategic information (M&E) and reporting, and leadership and coordination of partner organizations

implementing OVC activities.

ACTIVITY 3: Monitoring and Evaluation (& Reporting)

AED will provide support to OVC partners on monitoring and evaluation, in order to strengthen

measurement of the implementation and impact of program activities, an eventual achievement of PEPFAR

goals. M&E support of OVC partners includes: measurement of program progress; provision of feedback for

accountability and quality; surveillance; and implementation of information management systems. In

addition, AED will provide supportive supervision to provide guidance, monitoring, mentoring and oversight

through site visits, technical assistance, and performance evaluation. The management of service delivery

programs under this project will contribute to the PEPFAR goals to provide treatment to 2 million HIV-

infected people; prevent 7 million HIV infections; and provide care to 10 million people infected by HIV and

AIDS, including orphans and vulnerable children.

Funding for Treatment: ARV Drugs (HTXD): $436,500


Currently, the USG PEPFAR Task Force supports institutional capacity building of indigenous organizations

that implement PEPFAR programs through four competitively selected Umbrella Grants Mechanisms: Pact,

the Academy for Educational Development (AED), Family Health International (FHI), and Right to Care

(RTC). The main purposes of these new umbrella organizations are to (1) facilitate further scale-up of HIV

treatment services; and (2) develop indigenous capability, thus creating a more sustainable program. The

major emphasis area is local organizational capacity development. Primary target populations are

indigenous organizations, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), faith-based organizations

(FBOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs).

As an Umbrella Grants Management (UGM) partner, Academy for Education Development (AED) supports

institutional capacity building, technical assistance (TA), and grants administration for indigenous

organizations that implement PEPFAR programs. These partners and sub-partners consist of indigenous

NGOs, FBOs, and CBOs that were selected through the Inter-Agency PEPFAR Annual Program Statement

(APS) and have met the criteria for full and open competition. The main functions of the UGM program are:

(1) to facilitate further scale-up of HIV and AIDS care services and (2) to develop indigenous capability, thus

creating a more sustainable program. The emphasis areas are human capacity development, local

organization capacity building, and strategic information.


AED has extensive experience managing grants programs on behalf of USAID with PEPFAR funds. Prior to

award of the UGM under the South African APS, AED was already managing grant programs funded with

PEFPAR dollars in Ghana and Honduras, and providing TA and capacity building to PEPFAR partners on

palliative care and OVC work in Mozambique and Kenya. In addition, AED has been sourced as USAID's

exclusive partner for capacity building to the 23 NGOs funded under the PEPFAR Round One New Partners

Initiative. As such, AED is well experienced in providing TA and capacity building on the broad array of

technical areas related to PEPFAR programs, monitoring and evaluation, organizational development and

finance management. In addition, AED has also been a key PEPFAR implementing partner in South Africa,

and is thoroughly familiar with working on HIV and AIDS programs within this context.

As a UGM partner, AED will not directly implement program activities, but rather act as a grants

administrator, technical assistance provider, and mentor for sub-recipients, who in turn carry out the

assistance programs. AED closely collaborates and coordinates with the South African Government (SAG)

in supporting PEPFAR partners through the umbrella grant mechanism. Although some of the partners work

closely with various SAG Departments, AED's primary interface with the SAG is through the Senior

Management Team (SMT), which includes key staff from USAID, National Departments of Health and

Social Development, and representatives from the provincial departments. Under AED, between 6 and 11

indigenous partners will be supported via sub-grants and technical assistance, some of whom implement

treatment-related activities. Under the umbrella grant mechanism the reach of sub-grantees for treatment is

expected to be substantially expanded, which includes the purchase of antiretroviral drugs, drugs for

treating opportunistic infections, treatment of symptom and pain management, and other treatment-related

commodities (e.g. test kits).

ACTIVITY 1: Grants Management

AED will award and administer grants to partners selected through the South Africa PEPFAR APS

competitive process to implement treatment activities. This involves an array of related activities including

award and administration of grants, monitoring of grant progress, meeting reporting requirements, financial

oversight, ensuring compliance with USG regulations, and grant closeout. AED will monitor treatment

partners' program implementation and adherence to financial regulations. This involves provision of

extensive technical assistance to partners on project development and implementation, financial

management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting.

ACTIVITY 2: Capacity Building

AED will support institutional capacity building of indigenous organizations. (Capacity building activities are

defined as activities that strengthen the skills of indigenous organizations to implement HIV and AIDS

programs efficiently, with diminishing reliance on internationally-based technical assistance and support.)

AED will support activities to improve the financial management, program management, quality assurance,

strategic information (M&E) and reporting, and leadership and coordination of partner organizations

implementing treatment activities.

ACTIVITY 3: Monitoring and Evaluation (& Reporting)

AED will provide support to treatment partners on monitoring and evaluation, in order to strengthen

measurement of the implementation and impact of program activities, an eventual achievement of PEPFAR

goals. In addition, AED will provide supportive supervision to provide guidance, monitoring, mentoring and

oversight through site visits, technical assistance, and performance evaluation. The management of service

delivery programs under this project will contribute to the PEPFAR goals to provide treatment to 2 million

HIV-infected people; prevent 7 million HIV infections; and provide care to 10 million people infected by HIV

and AIDS, including orphans and vulnerable children.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $2,808,500


As an Umbrella Grants Management (UGM) partner, Academy for Education Development (AED) supports

institutional capacity building, technical assistance and grants administration for indigenous organizations

that implement PEPFAR programs. These partners and sub-partners consist of indigenous NGOs, FBOs,

and CBOs that were selected through the Inter-Agency PEPFAR Annual Program Statement (APS) and

have met the criteria for full and open competition. The main functions of the UGM program are: 1) to

facilitate further scale-up of HIV and AIDS care services and (2) to develop indigenous capability, thus

creating a more sustainable program. The emphasis area is Human Capacity Development, Local

Organization Capacity Building and Strategic Information, and the primary target populations are local



AED has extensive experience managing grant's programs on behalf of USAID with PEPFAR funds. Prior

to award of the UGM under the South Africa APS, AED was already managing grant programs funded with

PEFPAR dollars in Ghana and Honduras, and providing TA and capacity building to PEPFAR partners on

palliative care and OVC work in Mozambique and Kenya. In addition, AED has been sourced as USAID's

exclusive partner for capacity building to the 23 NGOs funded under the PEPFAR Round One New Partners

Initiative. As such, AED is well experienced in providing TA and capacity building on the broad array of

technical areas related to PEPFAR programs, monitoring and evaluation, organizational development and

finance management. In addition, AED has also been a key PEPFAR implementing partner in South Africa

and is thoroughly familiar with working on HIV and AIDS program within that context.

As a UGM partner, AED will not directly implement program activities, but rather act as a grants

administrator, technical assistance provider, and mentor for sub-recipients, who in turn carry out the

assistance programs. AED closely collaborates and coordinates with the South African Government (SAG)

in supporting PEPFAR partners through the umbrella grant mechanism. Although some of the partners

work closely with various SAG Departments, AED's primary interface with the SAG is through the Senior

Management Team (SMT), which includes key staff from USAID, National Departments of Health and

Social Development, and representatives from the provincial departments. Under AED, between 6 and 11

indigenous partners will be supported via sub-grants and technical assistance. One or more of these may

provide treatment services.

Treatment programs include patient uptake, counseling and testing, doctor consultations, laboratory testing,

treatment management, adherence support, patient counseling, and quality assurance monitoring. The

treatment partners work in both the public and private sector. Partners equip government clinics and

hospitals with human resources (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and counselors), management systems and

community mobilization and outreach. Partners assist with infrastructure renovations when required.

These programs also offer specialized training to improve the clinical, management, and leadership of

health professionals to deliver ART services. Treatment partners engage private doctors, traditional

healers, church groups, and people living with HIV to extend and enhance HIV care and treatment.


Institutional capacity building of local organizations is a key feature of the umbrella grant mechanism and is

designed to promote the sustainability of HIV and AIDS treatment programs.

ACTIVITY 1: Grants Management

AED will award and administer grants to partners selected through the PEPFAR APS competitive process

to implement HIV and AIDS activities, including treatment activities. This involves an array of related

activities including award and administration of grants, monitoring of grant progress, meeting reporting

requirements, financial oversight, ensuring compliance with USG regulations and grant closeout. AED will

monitor ARV services program implementation and adherence to financial regulations. This involves

provision of extensive technical assistance to partners on project development and implementation,

financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting.

ACTIVITY 2: Capacity Building

AED will support institutional capacity building of indigenous organizations. (Capacity building activities are

defined as activities that strengthen the skills of indigenous organizations to implement HIV and AIDS

programs efficiently, with diminishing reliance on internationally-based technical assistance and support)

AED will support activities to improve the financial management, program management, quality assurance,

strategic information (M&E) and reporting, and leadership and coordination of partner organizations

implementing treatment activities.

ACTIVITY 3: Monitoring and Evaluation and Reporting

AED will provide support to partners providing ARV services in monitoring and evaluation, in order to

strengthen measurement of the implementation and impact of program activities. M&E support for ARV

services partners include: measurement of program progress; provision of feedback for accountability and

quality; and implementation of information management systems. In addition, AED will provide supportive

supervision to provide guidance, monitoring, mentoring and oversight through site visits, technical

assistance, and performance evaluation.

The management of service delivery programs under this project will contribute to the PEPFAR goals of

providing treatment to 2 million HIV-infected people; preventing 7 million HIV infections; and providing care

to 10 million people, including orphans and vulnerable children.